Katie came to Japan and stayed for a week in July. We had a really good time sightseeing and talking, hanging out with friends, and doing most of the things I normally do each week. I was sad that I couldn't take more time off work to hang out, but she did a really good job of finding her way around the Tokyo area while I was working. She even met a random (and possibly slightly creepy) Japanese fellow one night while I was at work and had some dinner with him. I was pretty impressed. I was really glad that Kate got to meet most of my good friends and experience what my life is like here. That meant a lot to me!
Here are just a few pictures. The picture at the top is at O'arai Beach in northern Ibaraki. We went to Fukuroda Waterfalls (also above) one day with our friends Megumi and Abie, and then we stopped by the beach in Hitachi-naka and stuck our feet in the ocean for a few minutes.
Kate and I ate Japanese sweets for breakfast one day. A mango parfait, sweet red beans and mochi (rice cakes) with ice cream, and pancakes. We decided it was the best breakfast ever. My sister is one of the only people who could possibly appreciate this kind of food as much as I do.

This was on our day-trip to Kamakura. These cute little guys were everywhere. There were lots of hydrangeas too. I'm not an excellent tour guide so I got us a little lost, but we saw Hasedera Temple and the big ol' Daibutsu (sitting Buddha).
I'll be so happy to see my sista again in December. :D