Thursday, October 22, 2009
good news: it's fall again
Sunday, August 23, 2009
a whole year
These are pictures from the Kirala Festival in Tsuchiura earlier this month. I had a good time eating and drinking and watching the big parade with friends.
This week, I've been in Japan for one year. I started training for my job at this time last year with absolutely no idea how awesome the year was going to be.
Last week, I went to three cities in China! for the week-long Japanese summer holiday, Obon. I'll post more pictures from that trip soon!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
sisterly love

Sunday, August 2, 2009
humid & happy
Saturday, June 13, 2009
another texan in 日本
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
golden week
Sunday, April 19, 2009
kasumigaura marathon
Today, I ran my first 10 mile race in the Kasumigaura Marathon. This race was held close to the station and not far from my apartment, near Lake Kasumigaura. There were over 20,000 participants in the race. It is an internationally known race for blind runners so there were lots of blind people running with partners. I finished the race in an hour and 42ish minutes, thanks only to all the encouragement and excitement around me. There were little kids and old people yelling "ganba re" (you can do it!) the whole way. There were also little performances which kept me extremely entertained. There was a high school band and cheerleaders, a few traditional Japanese musical happenings, a random man playing some kind of flute-like instrument and wearing tights..., fireworks, and I've already forgotten what else. I wish I'd had my camera with me. I ran part of the way with a friend (an AEON student with whom I'd decided to run the race a few months ago), and I also saw a few other students after the race. The course went through our city, up a lot of hilly roads, and through little neighborhoods and wooded areas. I am sunburned and will most likely be sore tomorrow, but that might have been one of the best experiences of my life.