I decked out my apartment with a 10-inch tree and lights for a total of 200yen (about $2.00). There's an illumination display in Tokyo that I got to see last weekend, and Tsuchiura has its own version of Christmas lights. They're more like Nightmare Before Christmas lights though ...and there's an equally scary display of lights strung every which way on a tree in front of Mister Donut. Mister Donut is a very happy place. This is their holiday donut treat. I don't know what it is, but soon I'm going to eat it to resolve my curiosity. They have possibly the cutest advertising campaign ever.

I'm looking forward to winter break (from De
cember 28th to Jan 5th) so very much. I think it helps that I'll be working on Christmas Day so that I don't end up dwelling on how much I'd rather be home with family! Although the truth, of course, is that I would. Next week, I get to teach a class all about Christmas complete with American Christmas trivia, cookies, movie clips, and a craft of some sort. So I'm looking forward to teaching (but not planning) that. :D
Did I mention how blessed I have been here the last 4 months? I have been so blessed by many friendships and lots of support here and back home. Happy Merry Christmas. Love you all!